This work is created from the movements the artist perceived as beautiful. As time and movement is strongly interrelated, the shape of time created from beautiful movements shall naturally be a time of beauty. This work consists of physical beauty generated by humans, in combination with the precise and elaborate beauty generated by machines.


EXHIBITION: 2024.12.1 ~
I will be exhibiting at "Khroma - new media art exhibition" at KHROMA-Ausstellung, Vienna
オーストリアのKHROMA-Ausstellungで開催される「Khroma - new media art exhibition」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.11.29 ~ 2024.12.2
I will be exhibiting at "A3 Festival" at Lardner Park, Australia.
オーストリアのLardner Parkで開催される「A3 Festival」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.10.11 ~
I will be exhibiting at "Anemoia Tokyo" at near Tokyo Station.
東京駅付近でオープンしたノンバーバル常設イマーシブエクスペリエンス「Anemoia Tokyo」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.9.27 ~ 2024.10.6
I will be exhibiting at "ARTBAT TOKYO ART FESTIVAL 2024" at Tokyo Waterfront City.
東京臨海副都心で開催される「ARTBAY TOKYO ART FESTIVAL 2024」に参加します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.8.2 ~ 2024.10.5
I will be exhibiting at "The Doraemon Exhibition SHANGHAI 2024" at iag Art Cinema Line, Shanghai.
上海のiag Art Cinema Lineで開催される「THE ドラえもん展 SHANGHAI 2024」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.5.16 ~ 2024.5.26
I will be exhibiting at "Athens Digital Arts Festival: Techno(s)cene | 20 YEARS" at Former Santarosa Courts, Athens, Greece.
ギリシャのアテネで開催される「Athens Digital Arts Festival: Techno(s)cene | 20 YEARS」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.3.29 ~ 2024.6.23
I will be exhibiting at "Crosswaves in Art 4" at The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu.
岐阜県美術館で開催される「クロスアート4 ビロンギング -新しい居場所と手にしたもの-」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2024.1.20 ~ 2024.2.25
I will be exhibiting at "Sapporo International Art Festival 2024" at Future Theater.
札幌市で開催される「札幌国際芸術祭 SIAF2024」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2023.12.16 ~ 2024.4.7
I will be exhibiting at "The Doraemon Exhibition TAIPEI 2023" at Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei.
台北の中正紀念堂で開催される「THE ドラえもん展 TAIPEI 2023」に出品します.

EXHIBITION: 2023.12.2 ~ 2024.3.3
I will be exhibiting at "Art Project Takasaki 2023" at Takasaki Station.
東京都現代美術館で開催される「MOTアニュアル2023 シナジー、創造と生成のあいだ」に出品します.